Project Description

City LYNX Gold Line Phase 2 Project, Charlotte NC

Design Integration of 7 Traction Power Substations

City LYNX Gold Line Phase 2 Project, Charlotte NC PhotoThis project will extend the CityLYNX Gold Line streetcar system 2.0 miles west from the Charlotte Transportation Center to French Street and 0.5 miles east from Hawthorne/5th Street to Hawthorne/ Sunnyside Avenue. There are 7 new pre-fabricated traction power substations (TPSS) being built as part of the project.

Facet Engineering provides the design integration, preparation of drawings, shop drawing reviews, field and factory testing support, and co-ordination between various equipment manufacturers including AC Switchgear, DC Switchgear, Rectifier Transformer, Rectifier, etc. to furnish a complete TPSS.

Project Details


Sunish Mathew, P.E.
Boris Gorelik, P.E.


City of Charlotte and Charlotte  Area Transit System (CATS)


Traction Power